Seven of Swords Tarot


Seven of Swords

„inner doubt and circumvention“

symbols: deception, fraud, falsehood and intrigues
expression: Netzach through Yetzirah
element: air

The basic idea of this card is to display deception, which masks as salvation.
We can observe seven serpents, which float in the clouds. They cycle perfectly entwined, symbolizing the endless circles of time and constant trickery. The pattern is beautiful and almost hypnotic, indication that none of us are immune to their luring.

They twist down to a figure, who is held up by them. The seven chakras are „infected“ with their ideas and insinuations. The person revels in joy and extasy, while not being aware of the dilemma. Being trapped in their grip, we may even feel free, enlightened or powerful, far beyond self criticism. We may even think that nothing, which feels so good, can ever betray us. Vehemently, we defend our position against others, who suggest differently.
The notion of this card is connected to the element of air, because like every good lie or illusion it is vague and difficult to grasp it’s true intentions. This card can refer to a deception from outside forces, but often the falsehood lies within. If the problem is likely to refer to the outside, we are called to question our influences and current input. In connection to the card of „XV – The Devil “ this theme would be quite distinct. It may take time to unveil the disguise of these serpents, because they became powerful and potent during the years. As we can imagine, the topic at hand didn’t emerge in a day. If we struggle with a decision, or choose to look away from an emerging problem within, the task would be, to disentangle our struggles and search for the core of the issue.


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