Prince of Wands Tarot


 Prince of Wands

„the son of light“

symbols: will, activity and adventure, inspiration through enthusiasm, but also mischief and impatience
expression: Air through Atziluth
archetypes: all heroes in their early years; Apollo, Siegfried, Hercules
element: fire

We can observe a levitating being with a mask, invoking the fire through his body. The chakras along his spine are activated and glowing.
His heart chakra (=Anahata Chakra) is crowned. This means that the heart must be open to master this archetype – the crowned Anahata chakra is a sign of balance between the upper and lower paths of energy and is connected to love, compassion, self-composure and self-consciousness.
However, feeling enlightened can lead to an immense rush of power and omnipotence. Radiating in such a way can push the ego immensely. The hood is a symbol for his hidden self. This disguise may be necessary to keep the upcoming feelings of pride and recklessness under control.
The figure is holding a serpent with a tight grip in his right hand, as a sign that he achieved to keep his desires and lower ambitions under control. The serpent tends to escape this grip and often constricts the frivolous prince quite quickly and unexpectedly.
The apple in his left hand is the willingness and conviction that his burning will, and current awareness has to be shared. In this state of mind, we can be inspiring to others, but also pestering if not perfectly balanced. The apple is shaped in a geometric pattern. This matrix-shape is a symbol for the potential of awakening from any illusion.
The golden halo originates from the crowned heart chakra. If the positive features of this archetype’s power are not developed and properly researched, the negative aspects may quickly take over. In this case, we would be annoying for others and disappointed in ourselves. We should be aware that the challenge of this card is to keep focus on our balance to stay the hero in this narrative and not become our own inner villain.


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