Nine of Wands Tarot


Nine of Wands

„the final spurt before achieving inner balance“

symbols: enlightening challenges, balance through will, endurance
expression: Yesod through Atziluth
element: fire

The protagonist, we see on this card, is standing within the structure of the kabbalistic tree of life. At this point, the archetype is already part of a bigger picture.
Two wands are being held by a meditating person in the lower area of the card – it initialized the journey a while ago. Six wands are framing the picture, just like the two pillars Jachin and Boaz. They symbolize the path or the battle of „getting there“. Finally, this archetype’s head is on fire. He personifies the ninth wand himself, just in reach of the goal, which he almost achieves.
The meditating person in the lower area has finally risen above the physical self, and is on the way to understand and/or achieve something, which lies beyond its own imagination. However, the search for inner harmony is still in progress. With endurance, an idea will certainly emerge. It shall be more than the sum of its parts – a fiery new current will be born. Only by being resilient, we can walk forward at this point.
With both hands, the figure is making the „as above so below“ sign, which isn’t only a universal law, from which we can describe the world around us. In this case, it’s rather a signal that there’s the possibility that balance from within can be achieved shortly.
The serpent, which wanders upwards through the centers of the body, is both a symbol of enlightenment, but also inner struggle. We must always remember, the snake is both the tempter and the light bearer, not alternately, but often at the same time. An inner voice possibly suggests, to give up or turn around. It may even promise comfort and peace, if backing down. But this comfort would only be convenience and the peace only passivity. Our inner combat is necessary at this point to actively choose, to go on. It intensifies the experience and arranges it to be counterbalanced.
To outgrow ourselves, means to struggle with the part of the self, which doesn’t want to die and be left behind. Even if being focused, like the meditating person, the body must still obey the law of idleness. The will shall overcome this inner aspect and lead us to a higher purpose. Developing a backbone and strengthening the mind, could be a challenge in a physical, but also in a psychological matter. There may be seeming less insuperable barriers, and the inner fight can hurt to a certain degree. All struggles are a part of learning to reach for higher goals and to balance the inner counterparts. This card is usually a symbol that whatever is going to be achieved isn’t far away anymore.
We should not give in at this point. There is a danger of falling, if we look back or down. This fall would be deep, since almost all the distance to the goal is being covered already.
Shortly, before an objective has been reached, the path is usually the hardest, but the goal is almost in sight. The final spurt won’t be easy, but the reward will be tremendous.


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