Knight of Wands Tarot


 Knight of Wands

„catching the light“

symbols: hunger for experience, risks, commitment and dynamic energy, ability to act
expression: Fire through Atziluth
archetypes: Prometheus, Lucifer
element: fire

We end, where we began with the “Wand” cards. While the Ace of Wands describes the torch within, we have walked the path now, to become its active wearer. Like mentioned before, Prometheus had only good intentions, when he stole and brought down the fire to humanity. We should be aware that the dynamic energy we are radiating, bears both risks and fruitful opportunities. We are about to initiate greatness and are part of an endeavor which is likely to develop a life on its own. Years ahead, we shall remember – the path is already the goal. Our project or acts will have consequences we are not able to acknowledge yet. One day, we may look back and can’t even start to comprehend what we initiated and did. For the better, or the worse, we are responsible for our actions, but not necessarily for an outcome, which could not have been expected. Are Romulus and Remus responsible for the expansion of the roman empire and conquering of Europe? Are the teachings of Jesus accountable for the rising of power in the church and the crusades? Is it the fault of Prometheus, that the box of Pandora has been opened and all the malicious forces became part of humanity? Myths try to teach us about our own lives. A flap of the wing of a butterfly can raise a storm elsewhere. We are such a butterfly right now. Our actions will invoke greatness or massive failings, sometimes both. We do not have much time to hesitate though. Whatever we are about to do, our experiences ahead are of great importance to our own lives and to those of the people around us. To live, means to make choices. Only the aftermath would show, if we chose well. We can even say that whatever we may decide, will lead to the right path. The only wrong choice would be to hesitate and choose nothing – to let the chance just fade away.

Like a lightning flash, our actions are unpredictable, yet swift and distinct. We may strike fast, or our resources would disappear. The goal of this card is to trust in our actions and live with the consequences without being crushed by them. Staying true to our decisions while keeping the ability to learn from them would give us the opportunity to evolve into better beings after all.


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