IX – The Hermit Tarot


IX – The Hermit

self-discovery through introversion

symbol: retreat, self-communion, silence
zodiac: Virgo
date and ritual: winter solstice – fasting, asceticism, meditation
archetype: Kronos as guardian of time, Hermes, Thoth
path of Yod: Chesed – Tiphareth

This archetype represents a wise, but seclusive hermit. The old man embodies retreat, quietness, and introversion. This card symbolizes the search for truth within us and retreat from the world and all her distractions.

The lantern guides his way through the darkness of the mysteries not yet discovered. Within the lantern shines a light symbolized by the tree of Life. This means, he has a map or a concept according to which he can collate his experiences.

The cabbalistic tree of life is a symbol, which could be replaced by the periodic table, an alphabet, or any source code. This special assignment or order keeps the hermit from getting mad in his studies. Unfortunately, if an outsider or stranger, who does not know his scheme, watches him, he must appear like a lunatic or maniac, exclusively fixed on his doings.

Usually for that reason, he is forced to be quiet and keep his agenda for himself. Otherwise the world might try to harm him, just because he seems different. This is a dilemma. Often a hermit would have much to say or contribute to his society than we think. Excluding himself makes him unable to translate his insights or knowledge into common language. This archetype usually refers to a specialist of a certain category who cannot connect to the people around him. An example would be a programmer, nerd or scientist, who is not able or willing to compile his studies into a coherent tongue (alchemical mercury correlation). His wand of Hermes with the diamond on top represents the search for truth, but also a balanced relation to his certain expertise.

The light draws concentric circles – a symbol for evolving knowledge in this archetype´s category of study. The light surrounds him with a characteristic aura. Because of this, he can appear forbidding, holy, or even minatory to certain people. Whatever it may be, the outside world recognizes his particularity in one or another way.

The mushrooms on the way are both a symbol for his special knowledge (only a well-versed wanderer knows his fungi) as well as his connection to the source and his inner voice (the mycelium). Only when resigning to the diversions of the world, one can truly look inside and discover the voice of silence and the latent treasures of the cosmos, which are well hidden within.

The three headed Cerberus, which accompanies him, symbolizes both, the complaisant guardian of the mysteries and the deep hollows the hermit crossed on his path. The tamed beast is a sign of these journeys into the inner depths he has already taken successfully. A hermit, who walked this path long enough may never emerge from his cave entirely. What has been seen, can never be unseen and what has been known, never be unknown. If you correspond to this archetype, be warned that crossing the threshold/abyss may offer even deeper insight and knowledge but leads  away from society, often to a degree not recognized while walking the path you have taken.




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