II – The Priestess Tarot


II – The Priestess

“the custodian of veils”

symbols: the well or the mysteries of the inside sources
planet: Moon
ritual: dream-meditation, visions, journeys into the subconsciousness
path of Gimel: Kether – Tiphareth

This is a silent card.
References to the meaning of the symbols are given, but not the conclusion to draw out of them. On the left we can observe a decaying tower, which is a reference to the multiple mysteries. We find this motive in the left pillar Boaz, the sephirah of Binah and the myth of the axis of the multiverse. On the top of this tower the tortoise can be spotted, which symbolizes the great mother, time, and the origin of being. Below and hiding the tower – the masked mother of serpents, spiders and queen of death is offering an apple, tempting the wanderer through her seven daughters which decorate her head. On the right, in the desert which is crossed by the camel, we can observe the temptations of matter itself, symbolized by the fruits of earth, such as grain, grapes, weed and diamonds on a topless pyramid. On the path itself, an enduring camel is on a long journey in between the temptations, and the mysteries of the mosaic pavement/great game. Right in his path is the curtain that hides what lies beyond the veil. Behind the veil, the scripture is guarded by a toad. The book represents knowledge and power to be achieved, “something to surely be worth to possess”. A dangerous error indeed. This toad represents an aspect of the Hecate-principle: All those flies, that choose this luring, but one-sided path of the great mysteries tend to get eaten by the toad, instead escaping the wheel of life (Samsara), like expected.
In the middle, there’s a solution – the considerate observer can watch the camel directing its view to a cave – a symbol for the inner sources and the path inwards. One has to choose freely to return to the well and nature itself (instead of the obvious path ahead).

A hint to the importance of the cave can be found in the letter „G“ above it, which not only means Gimel but also Gnosis. Behind the cave is the hidden lunar mother, the great priestess or, in a deeper, gnostic symbolism, the suffering Sophia. She not only weaves the veils but is also guarded by them. The displayed breast is both a symbol for her nurturing attributes and for her dualistic nature. Together with the toad and the masked daughter she is forming a triangle which represents the main aspects of the „divine female goddess“.


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